Item Reviews for: Aurora Style Satin Rose Gold Trim Fountain Pen  -  110888S
Aurora Style Satin Rose Gold Trim Fountain Pen
review title:


By: EB from Leucadia, CA      Submitted: 9/3/2015


0 of 1 people found this review helpful.
Overall What is your opinion of the quality of this item? Nice pen. It just didn't wow looks wise.
review title:

"A perfect fountain pen"

By: C.A. Tyler from Minneapolis, MN, USA      Submitted: 1/24/2015


I expected the quality of Aurora to be reflected in the construction and feel of this fountain pen, and I was not disappointed. From it's broad nib to stylish cap, it is a pen well worth the price. The pen should come with a ink cartridge convertor as part of the overall package. Very easy to refill and use. I believe that the item's quality reflects its selling price. What is your opinion of the quality of this item? An excellent value for the money.
review title:

Good buy for the cost. Great starter pen for person new to fountain pens

By: Ed H.,      Submitted: 11/26/2014


What is your opinion of the quality of this item? Over all assessment in my Headline.