Aston Leather Hard Triple Slot Pen Pouch With Front Flap
review title:

Great pen case but

By: mark from fort worth, tx      Submitted: 9/21/2015


Overall I ordered two black cases, one is a smooth patent type finish the other a pebble type finish. I would have been happy with either as long as they were the same. Being as though they are different I question the quality. Value is decent when compared to similar products What is your opinion of the quality of this item? I like the cases, just wish they didnt call into question the quality by being different finishes
review title:


By: Henry from Los Gatos, California      Submitted: 7/19/2015


0 of 1 people found this review helpful.
I suppose that nowadays fountain pen users are people who value form as well as function. This fountain pen holder has a good design, but the execution fell short: the stitching on the flap is the work of an apprentice, possibly because the design made it hard to have an even stitching. And the leather feel thin. No What is your opinion of the quality of this item? I will have to return it Great It has 3 slots to hold pen.